Chehalem Valley Presbyterian Church
Sunday School: 9:00am
Worship: 10:00am
About Us
We are a church started by families who love God and Newberg. We believe that, along with the other churches in Newberg, we have a role to play in helping and celebrating our people and community. We like to say that we are a church with Open Doors and people with Open Hearts and Hands.
Open Hearts: In the Bible the heart is the place where mind and emotions meet, the core of a person. What we love most determines how we think and what we do. It is only when we are willing to let Christ change our hearts, when he is our greatest love, that we grow. We are a church which seeks to have our hearts changed and to encourage one another as together we seek to understanding how our new love changes our thinking and actions.
Open Hands: The Cross shows us not only God’s love but his generosity. In our sinful rebellious state he gives us all of himself unconditionally; when our new hearts begin to contemplate that Truth we too become generous. We are a church which seeks to live generously in light of the infinite generosity of God.
Open Doors: We believe that Truth, in the person of Jesus Christ, found us. We are a church, therefore, that is committed to being a welcoming community for all those asking questions, weighed down with the brokenness of life, as well as those looking for joyous community to celebrate the goodness of God.
Our vision, mission and core values all seek to give greater specificity to how CVP embodies Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Hands.