Kiwanis Club of Newberg
Regular Meeting Time: Thursday's at Noon
About Us
The Newberg Kiwanis Foundation established in 2000 as a 501 (c) (3) organization so that club members, Newberg businesses and citizens could donate funds to the club for its activities on a tax deductibility basis.
In 2006 the Newberg Kiwanis Club, through its foundation, held its first Golf Scramble. The scramble is the Foundation’s primary annual fundraiser. Proceeds from the Golf Scramble primarily support high school scholarships, the Newberg Children’s Library remodel project, and the Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp for challenged children. If sufficient funds are donated, additional activities can be funded in the future. One of the club’s goals is to increase the number and amount of high school scholarships. The Golf Scramble will help the club meet this goal.
The Newberg Kiwanis Club supports Newberg’s children from pre-natal stage through 12th grade. The club supports our children by funding high school college scholarships, the local Key Club, the Newberg Children’s Library, the Providence Newberg Hospital Birthing Center, Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp, the Kiwanis Bone Marrow Transplant Unit at Doernbecker Hospital, sports teams, and other special needs of Newberg’s children.
Through the club’s time, the club supports senior meals, the SMART reading program at Edwards School, honoring a Newberg/Dandie elementary student of the month, Salvation Army bell ringing at Christmas, Highway 99 clean up between Newberg and Dundee, and safe Halloween crossings in downtown Newberg, to name some major activities.