Newberg Animal Shelter
Tuesday - Friday 10:00am to 12:00pm
Saturday 10:00am to 4:00pm
or by Appointment.
About Us
We are located in the gorgeous Oregon wine country. For over four decades the Newberg Animal Shelter was operated by the Newberg-Dundee Animal Control dept under the Newberg-Dundee Police. The shelter was a small one room building that held both cats and dogs. The Newberg Animal Shelter Friends organization (NASF) raised over $500k to construct a new building. With the help of the city we moved into our new facility in April of 2013. There is still construction going on and we soon hope to have raised enough money to install an HVAC system for proper air ventilation for the animals.
On July 1st, 2014, due to budget reasons, the City of Newberg announced that they have cut their Animal Control program. There is no longer an Animal Control program run by the city of Newberg, the shelter lost the one Animal Control officer who managed the shelter. All dog control operations for Newberg and Dundee are managed with Yamhill County Dog Control. NASF and the shelter volunteers have been managing operations of the shelter while we’ve been in a transition period to structure the shelter to operate more like a humane society and offer many more services to our community.
In March 2015, the lease contract with the City of Newberg for the use of the building was signed. On July 1st, 2015 we have hired our first employee, a shelter manager! Two big steps in the right direction for our shelter. Thanks to everyone for their past support and continued support, we’re all here for the animals!